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"Marble tiles" banned by court? The ceramic industry is not afraid at all!

Release time:2024-10-15click:0

On April 15, an account named "Fujian Vision" on Toutiao published this message - "The ultimate battle of the "Porcelain Stone War": Jian Yi was convicted of false propaganda ", "Marble Tiles" Banned" revealed the latest verdict of the Jian Yigaoshi case handed down by the Huli District People's Court of Xiamen City.

Among them, "Foshan Jianyi Ceramics Co., Ltd. immediately stopped using 'Jianyi marble tiles', 'Jianyi marble tiles, the source stone is produced in Italy', and 'high-end decoration' in advertising activities , don’t use marble, just use Jianyi’, ‘We didn’t invent marble, we just resurrected the extinct precious marble’ and other advertising slogans with false propaganda nature, and stop using ‘radiation, hardness, water absorption, anti-fouling, The article "false propaganda and commercial slander that inappropriately compares imitation marble tiles with natural marble in terms of bending resistance, color difference, texture, processing difficulty, and supply status" interests the author.

Will the three-year-old war over porcelain and stone come to a successful end?

Obviously, such a result is not the most ideal result for the currently booming marble tiles. The author predicts here: Marble tiles will not sit still.

In the author’s impression, the dispute between porcelain and stone has long existed. Perhaps this dispute between marble tiles and natural marble is just a small microcosm. After the ancient construction stone industry re-emerged in China in the 1990s, there has been widespread talk about the "stone radiation theory." Take Baidu as an example. If you search for news about stone radiation, thousands of pieces of news information will appear in front of you. Even natural marble has long been designated as the "only inspection-free product" in the building materials category by relevant national departments. In 2013, the editor-in-chief of the China Stone Association alsoVarious places have released the "China Natural Marble White Paper" in an effort to eliminate the negative impact of natural marble in people's minds. However, over the years, consumers have already developed more or less fears about stone radiation.

On the other hand, marble tiles, after ten years of development, have already become famous in the ceramic industry, from the initial marble tiles to negative ion marble tiles, full-body marble tiles, and then to super wear-resistant marble tiles. These innovations in marble tiles continue to push the category of marble tiles forward. It is no exaggeration to say that any ceramic tile brand nowadays would be embarrassed to say that it is in the ceramics industry if it does not have marble tiles.

Why is the author so sure that the porcelain stone dispute will not come to an end with the outcome of this trial?

In the early years, the dispute between Wanglaoji and Jiaduobao over the authentic herbal tea lasted for many years before it came to an end. As everyone knows, Jiaduobao and Wanglaoji became popular, but you can’t remember who the third herbal tea company was. As for the dispute between marble tiles and marble that has lasted only three years, the outcome of this trial may be just a small climax. Because of the three-year dispute between marble tiles and marble, it is not only the two companies that have become popular, but also the products of these two different industries have entered the public mind. Are marble tiles being brought to court just for infringement? I'm afraid even a three-year-old child knows that marble tiles continue to be popular, step by step taking over the market share of marble, causing panic in the stone industry.

Just like Huawei’s 5G technology, it has silently seized the commanding heights of 5G technology, making the United States feel scared. From May 2 to 3, the 5G Security Conference was held in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. Representatives from 32 countries including the United States, Germany, Japan, and Australia, as well as the European Union, NATO, and four global mobile network organizations attended the conference. As one of the important builders of the future global 5G network, China and Chinese companies were not invited to participate in the above meetings.

I believe anyone with a discerning eye can see why China’s Huawei, one of the companies with the most 5G technology, is absent. In the final analysis, it comes down to two words: interests..

Another example is the global “quartz crisis” that occurred between 1970 and 1980. In the field of world timekeeping, the Swiss watch industry has led the world trend with precision craftsmanship and advanced design concepts from the beginning, and has occupied the title of "Kingdom of Watches" for 500 years. However, in 1969, the Japanese Seiko Company discovered how to make quartz into tuning forks and launched a practical mass-produced quartz watch. This new low-cost and accurate timepiece technology swept the world's watch and timing tool market with overwhelming force after its advent, and mechanical watches suffered a huge impact. For this situation, the Swiss watch industry calls it the "quartz crisis."

However, the world is changing so fast that it is amazing. Mechanical watches, which were in decline from the 1970s to the 1980s, have experienced a revival in the market since the 1990s, allowing the world to appreciate its unique charm again. In recent years, the market for quartz watches, which was once very popular, has shrunk rapidly due to the multiple attacks from traditional mechanical watches, mobile phones, and smart watches.

Compared with stone products that have remained the same for decades, ceramic tiles have undergone earth-shaking changes in the decades since China's reform and opening up. The author has consulted many people in the industry about whether marble tiles will really be banned and whether it will have any impact on the ceramic industry. Most of them are very calm about this matter. In their view, it is impossible for marble tiles to be banned. Marble tiles have already entered the minds of consumers. Moreover, marble tiles are only one product type in the development process of the ceramic industry.

In a sense, the emergence of marble tiles can also be said to be an achievement achieved by the ceramic industry on the road to innovation without any baggage. In the past ten years, marble tiles have been an innovative product in the ceramic industry. The color and texture alone are obviously different from traditional ceramic tile products. It is inevitable that the new advantages it brings will take away part of the cake of traditional products.

Does the continuous innovation capability of the ceramic industry scare the stone industry?

For example: In terms of technological innovation, ceramic tile companies are not bound by mines and origins. In this regard, they avoid competition with the stone industry and can invest more costs in product research and development. Come up. From ordinary glazed tiles, polished tiles, full-body tiles, to today's extremely advanced fully polished glazed tiles, marble tiles, ceramic large slabs, functional tiles and other tile types, the ceramic industry is developing at an amazing speed.

Perhaps it is the products produced by some marble tile manufacturers today that allow stone professionals to not immediately distinguish between real and fake marble, and for ordinary consumers, it is precisely this kind of ability that they are interested in Reaching the realm of being fake and real, coupled with the inherent advantages of the ceramic tiles themselves, make marble ceramic tiles more competitive in front of marble.

Some new imitation marble tiles are even made so that professional stone professionals have to work hard to distinguish them. Coupled with the advantages of low water absorption and high hardness of ceramic tiles, ceramic tiles are a decorative material with excellent performance in all aspects for consumers.

Some people in the ceramic industry believe that the ceramic tile market is 450 billion and the marble market is 300 billion. Marble tiles are cross-border. Marble tiles are in line with the needs created through technological innovation in a long-term competitive environment. It is a new product that the market demands, and it has divided the markets of marble and ceramic tiles.

Some people in the stone industry pointed out that the dispute between marble tiles and marble is precisely due to the fact that the marble market is becoming more and more difficult to operate and the competition is becoming more and more cruel. Marble tiles have entered the marble market to seize market share. Hence the competition for porcelain stone surface treatment.

Putting aside the grudges between marble tiles and marble tiles, perhaps in recent years, natural marble has lagged behind marble tiles in terms of overall service and marketing shortcomings, but its Characteristics such as uniqueness, non-renewability, and high-end atmosphere are also recognized by most people. In addition, the texture of most marble tiles imitatesThe texture of stone also directly illustrates the extraordinary charm of stone.

In the minds of many marble tile promoters in the ceramic industry, imitating stone textures is to make marble textures affordable to more consumers. But this may be only one of the reasons. It is more because the ceramic industry has developed to this day and is destined to be eliminated without innovation. Judging from the development timeline of marble tiles, in addition to marble tiles, there are also polished tiles, glazed tiles, functional tiles, porcelain polished tiles, ceramic large slabs and other tile types that come and go.

Compared with the competition between marble tiles and marble, internal competition in the ceramic tile industry may be the problem that marble tiles will face in the future.

Generally speaking, where there is a market, there is a world, and the dispute over porcelain and stone will not end with a verdict. On the contrary, through the porcelain stone dispute, not only did Jian Yi and Gao Shi become popular, but also stone and marble tiles were promoted. The tit-for-tat confrontation between the two industries has also made consumers understand stone and ceramic tiles better. As for who will be eliminated in the end, it can only be left to the market to make a notarized judgment.

(Author: Wu Huanjian)


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